Which "As Dead as it Gets" character are you?

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Many of you who take this quiz can be related to many of the characters but there's only one main character that you are truly like and you will be able see that there more characters who think just like you!!!

"Are you like other characters from stories and for that unbelievable title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, I'm just seconds you'll find out!!!!!!"

Created by: Johna
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do like ghost/ believe in ghost?
  2. Would you kill or haunt your bestfriend?
  3. Have you had a ghost expierence?
  4. Would have helped Lydia when she was dying instead of standing there?
  5. Would you let your ghost haunt you?
  6. Would you fight back with the ghost?
  7. If you were Lydia would forgive?
  8. Were all of Lydia's friends wrong for leaving her dead?
  9. Would you seek help if you were getting haunted?
  10. Should Alexis be sorry After getting haunted and the ghost left?

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Quiz topic: Which "As Dead as it Gets" character am I?