which american dad character are you

gdhyregfyr3gfyrefygvedyebdyt3fgdyuegdy3bygrfubjdejnfy7r4hbnft this is inbetween us


Created by: lydia walker
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you make thing up
  2. are you a psycho
  3. are you a slut
  4. do you like fashion
  5. do you have many friend
  6. how many gf or bj have you had
  7. can you use people
  8. are you smart
  9. what word most describes you
  10. ow was you child hood
  11. how is your dad
  12. how did you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: Which american dad character am I