Which actor would you be?

None of the famous actors were just lucky. They had certain personality type that helped them to become successful in their careers. Their personal and social lives shape who they are.

Do you have a personality of a famous star? Do you consider yourself to be qualified for the lavish lifestyle of a celebrity? Take this quiz to find out which famous actor your personality is closest to.

Created by: jude
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your Favorite movie?
  2. Who is your favorite Actress?
  3. Who is your favorite Actor
  4. What is the color of your hair?
  5. What is your favorite color?
  6. In a fight, what would be your choice of weapon?
  7. Who would you rather date?
  8. what is your favorite City in the world
  9. What restaurant would you eat at most?
  10. What is your heritage?
  11. "For my birthday, I'm expecting to get ______."
  12. What is your favorite drug?
  13. Do you prefer hard liquor or beer?
  14. How do you typically dress?
  15. Which Superhero villain are you?
  16. What do you use to eat your food?
  17. How many shots does it take you to get drunk?
  18. What is your personality like?

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