Which 7 Deadly Sin Are You?

Sin: An immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law. We all sin everyday. We sin physically, mentally, and verbally. It was written that we would.

But the question is, which sin are you? Are you full of desire or food? Jealousy or theft? Pride or laziness? Or maybe even rage? Take this quiz to find out..

Created by: Gabrielle
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You and your friends decide to go to a party on Friday night. You have to shop for a new outfit, do you buy:
  2. You see your crush flirting with someone else that looks slightly better than you. You:
  3. You and your friends are having a movie night. You want to watch:
  4. You're at the mall and you see your best friend's boyfriend/girlfriend. He/She comes up to you and starts flirting. You:
  5. You want a new case for your phone but your low on funds. You:
  6. It's a jacket hanging in the window of your favorite store. It comes in different colors. You buy it in:
  7. There's a concert next week and you have tickets to go. You're excited to see:
  8. You are in your room reading a book. You're most likely reading:
  9. Pick One:
  10. Pick One:

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Quiz topic: Which 7 Deadly Sin am I?