Which 5sos member are you most like?

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5sos is a band that ruins lives due to there great looks and amazing souls and beautiful instrument playing , theres ashton my DADDY, calum, luke and michael. b----es. but i love them

Who are you most like ? i dont know actually so just do this if your really bored and want a laugh with the descriptions idk dude im hungry and trying to use characters there :)

Created by: Erin
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favourite animal?
  2. What is your fav colour?
  3. Who is your fav?
  4. what do you do when your bored
  5. Fav ship?
  6. where do you wanna live?
  7. what eye colour is your fav?
  8. pick a lucky number
  9. pick a nickname
  10. this is a joke quiz btw its not serious so sorryyyyyyyy

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Quiz topic: Which 5sos member am I most like?