Which member of 5sos are you?

This is a quiz to see which 5sos member you could be if you were cool enough. Ya so im goin to type RANDOM STUFF NOWWWWWWEE like rainbows and unicorns and corn dogs etc etc

And im continuing with random words. Little Big Maybe Corndog=Corn+Dog. This keeps deleting my things i write. Stupid. I like video games Nd pizza and other stuff. Like music. Water is important too

Created by: Maddy

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
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  3. Pick a month
  4. pick one
  5. Pick a word
  6. Pick a song lyric
  7. Favorite show/movie
  8. Pick a 1D member
  9. Pick a name
  10. Pick a color
  11. Pick a color

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Quiz topic: Which member of 5sos am I?