When is your birthday?

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There are many people who know their birthdays! Are you one of them? :) When is your birthday? I bet you know when!!! :) I hope you like my quiz :)

I made this quiz because some of my friends didn't know when their birthday was, so I made this quiz and hopefully it will help you!!! :) Please comment and rate

Created by: Comex
  1. Were you born in January?
  2. Were you born in February?
  3. Were you born in March?
  4. Were you born in April?
  5. Were you born in May?
  6. Were you born in June?
  7. Were you born in July?
  8. Were you born in August?
  9. Were you born in September?
  10. Were you born in October?
  11. Were you born in November?
  12. Were you born in December?

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Quiz topic: When is my birthday?