When did it go wrong part 2

Sorry! Part 1 didn't show up on the newest quizzes column so you have to click my account. I'll show you in the next paragraph. Thanks again for taking this quiz!

It's like down here. Look to you right and look down. It will show my username. Click it and it might take awhile to load so dont be frustrated. It will take you to another page and you'll see all the quizes I made. You'll see part 1 and BOOM! Life is good:)

Created by: RoCkItOuT
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You wake up to a loud blasting music. You slap your ihome and forced yourself up. You looked at the time. It was 6:00 and this ment... SCHOOL! You groaned and pounded the bed. You stand up and drag yourself to the shower. You turn the water freezing cold and step in. Before you know it, you about to scream and wide awake. You remember Derek was going to come by and take you to class at 7: something. You kept the water on cold and looked into your closet. You put on a random tshirt, put on some jeans, and tugged on your favorite combat boots. You stopped and looked at the shoes. Your dad gave them to you when you said you wanted them. He didnt know you were joking but he bout them anyway. You tried to forget the memory and combed your hair. It's always straight btw. You put it up in a low ponytail but leave strans of hair out. You flashed a smile at the mirror and ran out. You looked in your bag. It's an Abby Dawn Rockstar shoulder bag. You stuffed some notebooks, pencils, pans, and paper in. You looked at the time. It was only 6:57!
  2. You moaned. You decided to doodle while you waited. Then there was knocking at the door. It was only 7:24. You opened it and Derek was standing there with Trevor, Aiden, and a new guy. The new guy had light brown hair that hung in his face. You could see his pale green eyes shine threw it though. "Time for breakfast. Derek forgot to tell you." Trevor glared at him. "Dont start with me." Derek growled. "Come on love, lets get some food." Aiden said. You nodded and grabbed your bag. "You might need a jacket too. We're walking outside and it's raining." The new guy said. You grab a hoodie from your closet. It was Abbey Dawn Rockstar BFH. Your friend gave it to you before you left. You put it on and Trevor slapped his forehead. "I totally forgot! _______, this is Rafe." Trevor blurted. "Hey." you said while grabbing your bag. Then you all walked outside.
  3. It was humid outside. You unzipped you hoodie but kept it on. "Someone's coming." Derek looked behind you guys. He was right. 3 girls were running after you guys. You finally saw their faces. It was Sarah, Jamie, and Caroline. "Wait, where's Faith? Did they finally kick her out?" Rafe whispered. "HEY!" Sarah yelled. "Hey Trevor..." Jamie fluttered her eyes. "Uh, hey?" He replied. "This is Caroline and she's new here." Sarah pointed at Caroline who was staring at Aiden. "And this is ________, whos also new here." Aiden said. Derek stood there with his arms crossed. "Can we get some breakfast now?" You asked. "I'll take you there while these guys talk to them." Derek growled. He grabbed you wrist and started walking toward the cafeteria. "We shouldn't have ditched them like that." You whispered. "Their fan club slows everything down." Derek grumbles. Finally you reach the lunchroom. You grab some waffles and OJ. You turned at ask Derek where to sit. You saw him at a table near the windows in the far corner. 'how did he get there so fast?' You thought. You walked over but got stopped by someone. "_______! come on. You can sit at my table." You saw Alice. "Sorry. I have to sit with the guys. They're gonna tell me what I need to know about this place. Maybe for Lunch." You said. "Ok but promise you'll sit with us at lunch." She said. "I promise." You smiled. She gave you a small hug and you walked to the table. Rafe was there now. "Hey." You sat down. Then Trevor and Aiden came with the girls. "Can they join us?" Trevor looked forced to say it. "Sorry. We were going to talk to ________ about classes." Rafe blurted. "I can join. I'm new too." Caroline said. Rafe balled his fists. Then Derek spoke. "Get the hell out of here. Can't you see we dont want you b!tches at this table?" He snapped. Caroline gasped and Sarah and Jamie were shocked. "Who knew the monster could talk." Jamie said. You grabbed Derek's arm before he could tackle her. "Looks like the monster has a girlfriend." Sarah snickered. That crossed the line.
  4. You got up and punched her. The guys looked at you in shock. Jamie fought back but you pushed her. Surprisingly, all the way to the other side of the lunchroom. Caroline started swinging at you. You grabbed her arm and punched her in the gut. "BREAK IT UP!" You saw a teacher saw you up and the girls on the floor. "Since it's your second day, Detention." He snapped. "You girls, go to the nurses." He pointed at Sarah and Caroline. The teacher marchs out and you continue eating you waffles like nothing happened. Trevor and Rafe start whispering. Derek ate his breakfast like nothing happened. "When's Detention?" You asked. "Homeroom." Derek grumbled. He leaned closer to you. "Thanks for standing up for me." He gave you, for the first time, a smile. He continues eating. "_______! What happened? Oh hey guys." Alice yelled. "Hey Alice." The guys said in unison. "They started teasing me and Derek and Sarah crossed the line. I punched her and then Jamie came at me. I pushed her and then punched Caroline in the gut. I surprisingly threw Jamie across the lunchroom. Now I have Detention." you explained. Alice looked at the guys. Trevor had a worried look on his face and Aiden was slightly shaking his head no. Rafe started staring at Derek like he was asking him something. "Well, I'll sit here with you guys at lunch if thats cool." She said. "Yea, sure." Derek grumbled. Then there was a bell. It sounded like one at a church and it made you jump right into Rafe's arms. "Someone's jumpy." He said. You grab your bag and Derek guides you to History.
  5. **TIME FORWARD** It was time for detention. You walked in and saw only 2 other people. There was a guy in your science class and Alice. You walked past the guy from science. He had jet black hair, brown eyes, and dressed in a black vneck and jeans. "Hey _______." He muttered. "Todd, right?" You asked. He nodded. "What did you do?" He asked. "Fight three girls and i think i broke one of their backs." You said. "I fell asleep in math." He rolled his eyes. Then Alice walked over. "Yea and snored." She added. Todd clenched his jaw. "I sabotaged today's english test. Made all the answers "A"." She smiled.
  6. You guys just talked in Detention since the teacher fell asleep after reading National Geographic. When the bell rang, you fell in you seat and the teacher woke up. "Dismissed." He grumbled. You dashed out the door and saw Derek outside. "PE." He said. You folowed him outside to this building that looked like a green house. "We're swimming most of the time in PE." He says. "Great. I was on the swim team at my last school." You added. He muttered something. "Then try out for our team. Tryouts are today anyway." He said. You walked in and there was a coach waiting. "I'm coach Rust." She handed you a swimsuit. "Changing rooms are over there." She pointed at a room. "Souza! Go get dressed." She hissed. You ran in the room and changed into a red one piece. It fit perfectly. You walked out and saw everyone in the same thing. "Swim team tryouts are on the other side. GO!" Coach Rust yelled. You walked over there with a couple of other people.
  7. You dived in the pool when the whistle blew. You sliced threw the water and in seconds, you finished. The guys were cheering. Derek was smiling and yelling which made the people around him back away. The guys attacked you with hugs. The bell rang and youwent to change. Derek said he'll be waiting outside. You changed and walked out. Caroline, Sarah, and Jamie were waiting for you. Caroline grabbed you arm. "You not going anywhere." Caroline snapped. You turned to face her. You wave your hand like you swatting away a fly and Caroline flew in the air. She hit the wall and fell to the floor. You ran out and bumped into Derek. "What happened?" He asked. Then the principal showed up. "All of you, in my office." He snapped. Derek grumbled something. You followed him to this office that looked like Dumbledore's office in Harry Potter. You and Derek sat together and the girls sat together. "What happened to Ms. White, Ms. Martin." The principal asked. "_________ Threw her against the wall." She said. "No I didnt! I waved me hand to bother her and then she's sailing across the room!" You shout. "You dont need to yell Ms. __________." The principal said. "Sarah's telling the truth! I saw!" Jamie blurted. there was silence until the principal spoke. "What did you see Mr. Souza?" He asked. Derek didn't answer. "Mr. Souza?" The principal growled. "I wasn't there. I heard shouting though." He said. "Is that so?" The headmaster asked. You stood up. "HE WASN'T THERE OK? I TRIED TO GET TO CLASS BUT THESE NITWITS WOULDN'T LET ME! DEREK WAS OUTSIDE WAITING FOR ME WHEN IT HAPPENED! HE HEARD BUT DIDN'T SEE! THESE GIRLS WERE OUTSIDE THE LOCKER ROOM! I TRIED TO WALK PAST THEM BUT CAROLINE GRABBED MY ARM! I WAVED MY HAND IN HER FACE AND SHE FLEW ACROSS THE ROOM TO THE WALL! I DIDN'T TOUCH HER!!!!!" You yelled. You waved your hands and the books from the shelf in the back fell out. The girls screamed and the headmaster stood up and stared at the mess. Derek took your hand. "Calm down." He whispers.
  8. The office was a mess. "Dismissed!" The principal yelled. You all ran out. "Come by my dorm during dinner." Derek whispers. You nod and run to your dorm. You shut the door and fall on your bed. Your still wondering what happened. How did this happen. **TIME FORWARD** Dinner was in 30mins. The school day was over and you have no homework. There was knocking at your door. You opened it and saw Trevor panting. "Derek forgot you might not know the way." He was panting real hard. "Ok... Do you want some water?" You asked. He shook his head. You took his hand and started to lead the way. "Which way was it again?" you asked. Trevor got a hold of himself and started guiding you to Derek's dorm. When you guys got there, you saw Alice on the bed cross legged and the guys standing up like they were yelling at each other. "Got her." Trevor said. He fell on the bed. "I'm beat." He said. Derek went to the small fridge under his desk and threw him a gatorade. "Ok, so how do we tell her?" Aiden asked. "I have no idea how the stories do this without freaking out the girl." Rafe muttered. "She's getting stronger by the minute. Alice, lock the door." Derek snapped. Alice locked it and you sat on the bed. "Whats going on?" You asked. "Guys, this is just to fast. We need to tell her like later." Alice said. "No. Let's just slap it in her face." Trevor said. "Gee, that's sweet." You said sarcastically. "Ok. Who's first?" Aiden asked. There was silence. "Ok, if someone doesn't tell me, I'm going to scream." you said. "ok!" Alice says. "Ok. This is harder than I thought...." Rafe said. "Spit it out guys!" You yell. Derek ran into the bathroom and slammed it. Something broke in there. You just stared. "Ok Trevor, I met you first. What's going on?" You asked. Trevor got up and banged on the bathroom door. "LET ME IN!" He yelled. The door opened and he threw himself in. "I'll tell you. Girl to girl." Alice said. "Ok, watever you do, don't scream, yell, and bang on the door." She said. "It depends on what it is!" You said.
  9. "Ok," She took a deep breath. "We are angels." She said. You stared thn started laughing. When you saw Aiden, Rafe, and Alice not laughing you asked "Why aren't you guys laughing?". They stared at you. "Your telling the truth?" you asked. "Yea..." Alice trailed off. The bathroom door burst open. Trevor and Derek walk out. Derek was still sweating and now Trevor is too. "Still not here?" Alice asked. Trevor shook his head. "Wat isn't here?" you asked. "His wings. Me, Aiden, and Rafe already got them. You still haven't gotten them yet." She said. "Dont worry love, they'll come soon." Aiden said. "Question. Angels are suppose to be immortal. I've grown up and why aren't my parents angels?!" You asked. "We are immortal. Just not now. The Big Guy gave us a rule. Grow up and learn. By i think 18 we stop aging. His rules not mine. And for your second question, we were all adopted. This is why you cant remember you past. We were like, migits." She said. "That make absolutely no sense. I still believe you though..." You say. "It takes awhile to sink in." She pats your back. "Derek, whats for dinner?" Rafe asked.
  10. He reached in the tiny fridge and threw everyone a sandwich. "Another question" You said over a mouthful of a BLT. "Why tell me now?" You asked. Alice patted your back. "Your getting your powers. Derek wont tell us what it is," She shot a glare at him. "So whatever it is, it means your about to get your wings. So what is your power?" She asked. "I dont know." You answered. "Yea you do." Rafe said. "Your a mover." Aiden said. "A what?" You asked. "Mover. You move things with your mind. You can do alot more though." Alice said and scratched her head. Then Trevor snapped his fingers. "Have you seen the movie Chronicle?" He asked. You shook your head. "Saw the midnight premier." You said. "You have that kind of power." Trevor said. "Thank youuuuu!" Alice sang. "What about You guys? What power do you have?" You asked. "I can turn stuff to ice and manipulate water." Alice said. She gestured to Aiden. "Super speed." He said then gestured to Rafe. "Shifter." He smiled. "So that just leaves Derek and Trevor." Alice smiled. "I can control people." Trevor grinned. "Should I be scared?" You asked Alice. She started laughing. "That leaves Der." Rafe said. "What is it then?" You asked. He muttered something. "Super Strength." Rafe blurted. "We also have some powers that are the same." Alice said. "Like what?" You asked. "Mind reading, super hearing, and obviously flying." Aiden said. "Where do we start flying?" You asked. "We go at night. Aiden probably showed you the escape route." Trevor said. "Hey I give every new person the opportunity to escape." He raised his hands up in surrender. "So when do I get my wings?" You asked. "Probably tonight. round 11." Alice said. "Clues to help you know is sweating and muscle spasms. You might also vomit but it's not much." Rafe said. "Derek and Trevor are getting them early when it's suppose to happen at night." She shot them a glance.
  11. **TIME FORWARD** Your back in your dorm. It was about 10:57. "Changing should start soon." You thought. You rubbed your eyes and felt something wet. Sweat. Great. You go to the sink and wash your face. You hang there for a second. You start burning up fast. You feel weird. Then there was a text. You looked at the mirror since it showed you phone on your nightstand. You walked over and looked at the text. 'Changing starts! I'll be right over.' You saw it was Alice. You put your phone down and hobble back to the sink. You hear your door click. The light went on and Alice was at the door of the bathroom. "Is the door locked?" She asked. "Come in." You growled. "I brought you something." She handed you a coke. "What good will that do?" You asked. Alice put her hands on her hips. "It calms you down. It did for me." She said. She splashed water on your face. Everything turned to a blur after that. You saw Alice over you then blacked out.
  12. CLIFFHANGER! JK JK. I really want to keep going. so continue!!!
  13. You woke up on your bed. Alice was there looking out the window. "Wh-What happened?" You asked."You got your wings." She smiled. "WHAT!?" You scream-whispered. You look at the bathroom mirror. "Oh. My. God." You said. You wings were broad and plush. They were pure white and it shined bright. "Check out your clothes." Alice said. You looked at them. They looked like armor. Correction... IT WAS ARMOR! "What the?" You muttered. "When we, you know, stretch out our wings, we change into this." Alice stretched out her wings and a light shined. She was in armor in seconds. "Don't worry. We still get our regular clothes back." She waved her hand. "Let's go. Lock the door and close the lights." She said. You tired using your mind but Alice starts laughing. "Move your finger like your closing it." She said. You did and the lights went out. "Seen Push?" She asked. "What?" You put on a confused face. "Push, the movie." She said. "Oh yea." you said. "You like Nick." She snickered. "Oh haha very funny." You said. "First flight?" She asked. "YA THINK?" You asked. "Just spread you wings when you jump and start flappin. Trying moving your wings like that before we jump out." She said. You tried but kept struggling. **FEW FAILED ATTEMPTS LATER** You finally got the hang of it. "Let's fly." Alice opened the window and jumped out. "Here goes nothing." You muttered and jumped out.
  14. CLIFFHANGER! ok this is a real cliffhanger. Sorry if this was fast. I decided to like cram everything in. But how cool is it to have that super power!? If you have no idea what the movie Push or Chronicle are then WATCH IT! I loved it! And sorry I just love Abbey Dawn stuff. You can search them up at abbeydawn.com and look at their selections. I'm not promoting or anything I just love their stuff. who do you like then?
  15. Dont forget to read the first two paragraphs!

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