Whats high school category are you? | Comments

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  • Whats high school category are you?
    Your Result: Emo

    They're usually confused with Goths, but they're different. They wear tight wool sweaters, tighter jeans, itchy scarfs (even in the summer), ripped chucks with favorite bands signature, black square rimmed glasses, and ebony greasy unwashed hair that is required to cover at least 3/5 ths of the face at an angle, And not all Emos cut their wrist, Many different people cut themselves and DO NOT have to be Emo, it is based on if you are depressed or not. Emo is short for emotional and does not mean always depressed, it can mean all types of emotions but can be sort of bipolar or they feel thier emotions stronger

    wow loser, I may cut, and I may be bipolar and depressed, but I am NOT in any way hsape or form, emo!

  • Your Result: Nerd/Geek

    A person who does not conform to society's beliefs that all people should follow trends and do what their peers do. Often highly intelligent but socially rejected because of their obesssion with a given subject, usually computers

    Yeah, that does describe me, except the computers part. I suck at computers lol

  • Emo,true. I've always liked the emo and goth culture music and style alot as well as being self reliant on myself, keeping to myself and usually have bad mood swings often. Cool quiz mate.


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