What Wolf Rank Are You? | Comments

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  • Loner,I do like to be self reliant on myself as well as adventurous and mysterious too. I don't really trust or like others well due to my abusive past. Cool quiz mate.

  • I got alpha female so you are push around brutely

  • what wolf rank are you?
    Your Result: omega 77%

    You are at the bottom of the pack pecking order. you eat last and when there isn't enough food you will often starve. You are skinny and nervous around other wolves. You keep your eyes averted and can't hold someone's gaze. You get picked on and bullied. You are very likely to become a loner because of your terrible conditions. You don't enjoy being the center of attention as it usually means you're being punished.

    58% loner
    0% hunter/warrior
    0% Scout
    0% Alpha male or female
    0% Beta
    Sounds like me! ( i know i'm weird)
    I rated 10/10


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