What Were You Raised On? | Comments

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  • The generation,I did read books that were made around the years of my childhood such as diary of a wimpy kid or magic tree house and I loved them. Cool quiz mate

  • Hey! Quiz creator here. Except I can't remember my Go To Quiz password... Oops.

    First, I would like to thank you all for taking my quiz. I was shocked beyond belief when I saw that someone actually bothered to take the time to complete it. You all just made my day :) jk. But seriously, thank you.

    I have read Twilight. And I might have liked it, if not for all of the hype that went along with it. I mean, a lot of people were telling me how good it was, and its something I shouldn't miss, blah blah blah. It goes along with the whole generation thing... I'm not sure if this is the same for you, but I think Twilight is for 12 year olds is what HP was for me at 12. Which was like 3 years ago. I do agree with you though, Twilight is not well written, and there really is no comparison to HP. Personally, I think that any book that really makes people feel is a good book, as long as someone can connect to it then there is a purpose. I couldn't connect to Twilight, unlike all of the crazed fans...

    Paranormal: Thanks for the suggestion! I'll try it.

    Yurmom: Serenditpious :)

    ltlbeangel: sorry :( May I rephrase my last sentance of the description? Ok, here goes - "...Continuing with something thats finished like this phenomenal series is boarderline obsessive and unhealthy. So try something different, something new. Maybe Twilight? Maybe not."

    Ok everyone, thanks again. &am p;amp;amp; I apologize for the Twilight thing. For the record, Robert Pattinson will always be Cedric Diggory for me... may he rest in peace :)

  • Harry Potter addicts of the world, I feel your pain. I do I do I do. We are what is known as Generation Harry Potter, and what a twisted lot we are... just joking. But seriously, Rowling's works were (and still are) a huge part of our childhoods, and continue to influence us today. Once you finish that seventh book for the four hundred and fifteenth time (believe me, I've been there, done that) it's time to pick up Bloody Jack, Pendragon, Charlie Bone, Lemony Snicket, or David Sedaris or a Great and Terrible Beauty. I know nothing will ever fill the gaping hole of Post-Potter-Depress ion, but whatever happens, DON'T READ THE FAN FIC. DON'T BUY THE UNAUTHORIZED ADDITIONS. I've even been holding off on the Beetle and the Bard. Continuing with something thats finished like this phenonmenal series is boarderline obsessive and unhealthy. You know what? Try picking up Twilight. It's what we've been looking for (:

    I disagree with Twilight. Bella is just a shallow stupid girl like the rest in my school.

    Try reading The Barcode Tattoo and The Barcode Rebellion by Suzanne Weyn. Excellent sci-fi.

  • I got hippie, which mentions Zen & The Art of Motorcycle Maitenance. This is fairly disturbing, as it is the book which I am currently reading

  • Harry Potter addicts of the world, I feel your pain. I do I do I do. We are what is known as Generation Harry Potter, and what a twisted lot we are... just joking. But seriously, Rowling's works were (and still are) a huge part of our childhoods, and continue to influence us today. Once you finish that seventh book for the four hundred and fifteenth time (believe me, I've been there, done that) it's time to pick up Bloody Jack, Pendragon, Charlie Bone, Lemony Snicket, or David Sedaris or a Great and Terrible Beauty. I know nothing will ever fill the gaping hole of Post-Potter-Depress ion, but whatever happens, DON'T READ THE FAN FIC. DON'T BUY THE UNAUTHORIZED ADDITIONS. I've even been holding off on the Beetle and the Bard. Continuing with something thats finished like this phenonmenal series is boarderline obsessive and unhealthy. You know what? Try picking up Twilight. It's what we've been looking for (:

    Extremely accurate until you got to twilight then it went down the drain -_- twilight sucks and will never compare to Harry Potter.


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