What warrior cat traits do you possess?

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This quiz is about what your strongest warriorcat quality is, so answer the questions and have fun! =D

Are you, Loyal,Brave, Wise, or a great leader? find out in this quiz !

Created by: VioletPaw

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. A horde of killer dogs is after you and a group of young apprentices; you....
  2. a kit has swallowed a few deathberries and is growing weak what do you do?
  3. you are a young deputy to a strong leader with lives but you are ambitious and want to be a leader so you...
  4. an enemy clan ambushes your clan in the night, you.....
  5. what are you better at hunting or fighting.
  6. a kit is attacked by a badger, you.....
  7. you hear a noise outside of camp while your clanmates are sleeping, you....
  8. you consider yourself...
  9. When you go hunting, you....
  10. You are the deputy, your leader is on thier last life and a fox is about to kill them, you.....

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Quiz topic: What warrior cat traits do I possess?