What type of rider are you?

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Have you ever wondered what type of rider you are? How you might be as an equestrian? Well, you've come to the right quiz! Here, you can get four different results, which are all quite different.

The first result is "The Determined Equestrian". This one is for those who always want to learn more, no matter what. The second result is "The Dreamer". This is for those shy, maybe a bit more reluctant riders. The third result is "The Irritation of the Barn". This one isn't the most favorable out of all of them...The last result, "The Pleasure Rider", is for those who just seek out relaxation and peace within horses. Good luck!

Created by: EquineFreak
  1. What is the best thing about riding for you?
  2. What are horses to you?
  3. What style/discipline do you ride in?
  4. Would you rather:
  5. Green + Green makes Black and Blue
  6. You're on a horse, and it spooks because of a bird next to you, sidestepping away from the sound quickly. What do you do?
  7. How do YOU tack up/groom a horse?
  8. How often do you ride?
  9. Which one do you want?
  10. And finally...Did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: What type of rider am I?
