What type of equestrian are you?

There are many people who ride, but few are perfect. But since there is no true definition of perfection you can take this quiz to find out just what type of equestrian you are and how your position affects your riding!

What type of horseman or woman are you? Up until now you could only wonder. But now the quiz is here! Find out just what you are and where you stand in the eyes of our horse friends!

Created by: Kat
  1. You ride up to a jump, you are just about to jump when the horse bolts to the side, refusing. You....
  2. You fall off and hit the dirt, hard. You....
  3. You are picking the horses hoof when, YOW! They turn around and bite you! You.....
  4. You are mucking out a stall when suddenly, one of the barn cats fall on you
  5. Your favorite style of riding is....
  6. The most useful piece of equipment is.......
  7. The best horse is the one that...
  8. Your favorite breed is...
  9. Your favorite color is...
  10. Should I make more quizzes?

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Quiz topic: What type of equestrian am I? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Horses Quiz category.