What type of person do you attract? | Comments

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  • Congrats, you are an 'insane' magnet, and you probably have no idea why. Something about your mix of styles, how you walk not just 'one' lifestyle, but appear to have a foot in them all. To the insane, you appear to be a beacon of hope and they will flock to you, like it or not. But, they ARE insane. Lucky for you, the insane tend to be the best sexual lovers, just the rest of the package deal may not be for you.

    Technically , I have a mental disorder of my own, so how am I a beacon of hope?

    But MMM. Sex.

  • Your Result: You attract unstable people!

    Congrats, you are an 'insane' magnet, and you probably have no idea why. Something about your mix of styles, how you walk not just 'one' lifestyle, but appear to have a foot in them all. To the insane, you appear to be a beacon of hope and they will flock to you, like it or not. But, they ARE insane. Lucky for you, the insane tend to be the best sexual lovers, just the rest of the package deal may not be for you.


  • I don't know why everyone's complaining, geeks are boss! Try being a geek. Not caring what people think is REALLY fun. Seriously, try it!...oh yea, and I got artsy people. They're cool too I guess. People say I'm kinda artsy,so it works.

  • dude they got me so wrong i don't attract geeks. Sure im pretty smart but how the hell do you play video games. Btw im artsy not geeky and who says that sames attract. What are we in math class. 2 negatives make a positive. See i told you i'm smart just not that smart.

  • I got geeks I don't get it lol. . I've taken better quizzes I just forget what they're called. There was one that I really liked that tells you which celebrity likes you forgot where I took it.

  • This quiz is untrue and with the questions asking what is your favorite drink, they really need a "I don't drink" answer. I got geeks, for the record, I attract people from every group.

    Dragon Keeper
  • DUDEEEE!!!!!!!! GEEEKS?! Sooo TRUE!! my first boyfriend: pale, skinny, doesnt do much with life, my second bf: only used me for "makeout sessions" and was addicted to gaming, my third bf: Constantly acting like a retard.. (in a good (kinda???) way), trying to impress me, acted like a gangster, my 4th bf: Youngest one ive dated, loves video games and beig outside, sexual (not towards me), my fifth bf: everyone bullied him at school, we met on the internet... 10/10 stars

  • lol i heard a funny version of teddy.thx danbridan!!!

    I'm Teddy. I am 13 years old. I have no nose and carrot juice is all over my face. I am alive, but i hate not having a nose. -_- its NOT funny! any way... if you don't send this to 4 quizzes i will stalk you in your sleep.... and give you a free unicorn!!! Don't believe me? Case 1: Suzy always wanted a unicorn, so she sent this to 3 quizzes. Haha suzy. You got a unicorn. Haha. Case 2: Jimmy wanted a unicorn. He posted this on 5 quizzes. Stupid jimmy put it up too much!!! He got no unicorn. Case 3: Jenny put up on 2 quizes, and saw my carroty face... So... if you dont post this on 4 quizzes you will get a free unicorn

  • well, I couldn't take this at all because on over half the questions, I couldn't answer! I shop at macy's, loathe coke, and listen to celtic, thanks very much! And I don't bite the heads of chickens in lieu of an axe, thanks very much.

  • f--- ya i attract unstable people!

    Congrats, you are an 'insane' magnet, and you probably have no idea why. Something about your mix of styles, how you walk not just 'one' lifestyle, but appear to have a foot in them all. To the insane, you appear to be a beacon of hope and they will flock to you, like it or not. But, they ARE insane. Lucky for you, the insane tend to be the best sexual lovers, just the rest of the package deal may not be for you.

  • "Family values as set by Republicans"?? That's just stupid. This is possibly the most stereotypical quiz I've ever taken. Too many unrealistic answers... especially for the sex question. How about "I could care less"?

  • I keep getting the same resaut so it must be right

    wow that awnsers everything I did indeed wonder what

    it was that seem to atract thee oddest persons to me

    and why I attracted so many differnt kind oh but um whats a yuppie I was just wondering.

  • Stop posting comments with if you post this on however many quizzes this will happen or next Friday or you will be cursed for this. Long if you don't do it it's not real guys it also scares people .

  • I attract Artsy people, hm...not a big shocker, my past two exes were very creative, and extremely good artists, my boyfriend is an amazing artist, and yet..yet I fail at being an artist...But I guess it's true, I do attract Artsy people xD

  • Frickin hell guys could you not do the 'am I pretty' chain mail nonsense and put actual comments because 1) it's really annoying for me and 2) other people will also find it annoying!!

  • Your Result: You attract unstable people! 93%

    C ongrats, you are an 'insane' magnet, and you probably have no idea why. Something about your mix of styles, how you walk not just 'one' lifestyle, but appear to have a foot in them all. To the insane, you appear to be a beacon of hope and they will flock to you, like it or not. But, they ARE insane. Lucky for you, the insane tend to be the best sexual lovers, just the rest of the package deal may not be for you.

    Oh s---... should I be scared?

  • I would have thought I would get unstable people, then geeks then artsy people but I got geeks, artsy, unstable. My crush( who I think likes me) is all of those(especially unstable)

    L R
  • I attract geeks. Unfortunately, that's probably true. I fantasize with being evil and stuff (it's true. Just ask my friends) but I probably fall under the geek category. :(

  • What's with the chain messages? They suck. No one (besides the ones that continue the chains) believe any of it and they waste space. Just stop it all. Post messages that you yourself want to say and that only.

  • I attract geeks. Yeah, that sounds about right, but I'm a geek, too. XD Models as 2nd? Really? Show me these models! XD Artsy people as 3rd? Of course. I'm an artsy girl from an artsy family. 'Tis only natural.

  • lol just cause you attract a certain group of ppl like geeks or yuppies or whatnot that doesn't mean those are the people you end up going out with... plus this is JUST a fun quiz pplz.. no need to get overdramatic bout it lol

    I attract either artsy ppl or geeks the most then yuppies then unstable ppl then models and never rednecks. I'm not sure bout the artsy part but the geeky/yuppy part is pretty accurate. Geeky people are alright though I ADORE artsy ppl... since I consider myself an artist first and foremost anyways :P

  • Odd, I attract geeks and my boyfriend is a basketball player who is totally attractive.

    But I have no problem with attracting geeks! =) They have a interesting future ahead of them.

  • Bad questions. Incomplete choices. Meh quiz. I'm now getting two friends to write one wherein reality has some kind of influence on the quiz contents and results.

  • Artsy, then yuppies, then geeks, then models, then rednecks ... fair enough. I wouldn't expect to attract rednecks after all. Except, I've never met a really artsy person ..

  • I Attract Geeks mostly and the bottom 6# is true

    43% You attract artsy people!
    43% You attract unstable people!
    43% You attract rednecks!
    34% You attract Yuppies!
    6% You attract models!


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