What type of girl are you? Quiz | Comments

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  • What type of girl are you? Quiz
    Your Result: Emo (emotionally unstable) 76%

    You are an emo. You sometimes cut yourself (although not all emos do). You tend to be sad or depressed and have low self esteeme. You most likely don't have any friends.

    Goth 64%
    Girly 24%
    Tomboy 24%
    Nerdy 20%
    Normal 0%

  • Your Result: Goth 90%

    You are a goth. You enjoy watching horror movies and reading books about scary stuff. You tend to wear black a lot and some people are scared of you.

    78% Emo (emotionally unstable)
    39% Rebel
    3% Nerdy
    3% Normal
    0% Tomboy
    0% Girly
    Its right, then again I'm more emo then goth


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