What type of Feel Good are you?

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Do Good. Feel Good is a Pittsburgh based organization that is vocal about supporting local! Members sign up to receive monthly boxes filled with items, tickets, coupons, products, and promotions from local businesses.

DG.FG has three different types of boxes. Find out what type of box could suit your wants and needs! Don't forget to fill out any information requested upon checkout so we can get you the best box we can!

Created by: Do Good. Feel Good
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your ideal way to have dinner after a good day?
  2. Do you appreciate and desire handmade art (i.e. jewelry, signs, decor, clothing etc.)?
  3. How often do you plan your weekends and fill the schedule?
  4. You decided you want a new product. What is the best way you will purchase it?
  5. What time of the year do you enjoy the most?
  6. How often do you go out and participate in an event based around your community?
  7. Do you consider yourself active and/or athletic?
  8. Do you appreciate vintage and/or classic items?
  9. Do you like surprises?
  10. Would prefer tickets to a sporting event in great seats or a signed jersey from someone participating in the event?
  11. A brand new 5 star restaurant just opened downtown. They have in-restaurant dining or delivery. How do you prefer to get this delicious food?
  12. What is most important to you?
  13. Out of those listed, what activity would you go to after a hard/ bad day?
  14. Pick a Color.
  15. How often do you treat yourself (I.e. buying that coveted purse, golf clubs,)
  16. Do you appreciate listening to live music or bands?

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Quiz topic: What type of Feel Good am I?