What type of cat are you?

You must be really bored if you're taking this quiz... Anyway this will tell you what type of cat you are and your personality that goes with it. There are four types of cats

Each cat is different and is actually real. Wow who knew? Find out which cat you are. You might end up being the exact opposite of what you expect. Take the quiz and find out.

Created by: Kay
  1. What do you like to do on weekends? Just answer the question.
  2. What's you favorite color?
  3. What type of movies to you like?
  4. Shoot it's your parteners birthday tomorrow and you forgot. What do you buy them?
  5. Do you use sharpies a lot?
  6. Do you do your homework?
  7. Do you exercize a lot?
  8. Do you use a lot of makeup?
  9. Friends? Tell me about it
  10. How tall are you?
  11. Alright last question how did you like this quiz? (This won't effect you result)

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Quiz topic: What type of cat am I?