What type of Belly do YOU have? | Comments

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  • I have a question, the comment I posted wasn't actually me. I searched my username in the search bar and this appeared. I did do some things to make the account more secure, but since the comment is weird, I was wondering, if you can, can you take it down?

  • 15 and flabbalicious belly. i weigh 300 and want to go to 600

  • I got porky belly. That is NOT true. I am not wide. My stomache sticks forward more than to the side. Well, I guess I am wider than most of the other boys in my grade...

  • Flabalicious! Well... Ya. I'm 13 and way way way overweight. Too bad, I wish my belly stuck out more

  • flabbalicious I want to be morbidly 3x morbidly obese so I look like a blob

  • I'm 600,099 lbs and I'm eleven I want to get soooooooooo oooooooooo ooooo much bigger I want to go to a all you can eat 24 hr buffet and wipe them clean so I can get a million lbs I'm so. fat I'm flabby and pillowy I can barely move off of my couch and my love handles reach down to my ankles. GO FATTIES

  • thx i epresiate ur kindness ps today i went to am all you can eat place i ate 19 bowls of spagetti and the man said i was to fat to be alive i should die..... is it true:[ btw i know weigh 14,946!!!!!!!! wanna get to 14,971!

  • qhi

  • I'm at 4,000 lbs woohoo

  • pandafood0123 I'll drive u to every single restaurant in the world to help u get fatter

  • 2 things I do a split when I sit actually I just weighed myself and got 1,000 pounds I have about thirty fat rolls and humongous over handles go fatties. someone drive me to every restaurant so I can eat them clean I want to get f---ing huge I want to 9,000,000,000,000,0 00,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000 pounds

  • pandafood0123 and ObeseAndProud eat and eat and eat go fatties I'm 600 pounds and I'm eleven I want to get freaking huge help me get to about 7,000 pounds

  • i got beer belly its true im only 10 when i was 4 i weighed 469 i now weigh 10,584 i was a t the swimming pool yestoday and i went to get changed when my swimming cossie riped so i tried 2 get out of the changing room but i was stuck the woman in the room next to me got the fire engen and they hade to pull me out witch took like an hour!!!

    i love bein obese i wanna be sooo much bigger can some one help me get fatter like so i weigh 12,999 ????? plzz help me

  • chubby-ish belly. i think thats accurate. im 11 years old my size 16 kids jeans give me a muffin top and im about 120 lbs. if i lie down wearing my jeans it takes me about 6 seconds 2 stand up completly. when i sit i have 2 fat rolls and when i stand i only have 1 but can only c the tips of my toes. i am the 4th fattest person in my class counting boys 2. want 2 lose like 40 lbs but if i try i gain weight! lol

    acting beauty
    • not big enough, you should go to 600

    • You aren't actually overweight at all. You may have a big belly, but your weight is normal.

  • i got normal belly.

  • Porky belly. totally me. proud of it too. I love eating too much to get fatter. And it's a turn on when people notice how I'm getting fatter and say things like "packing on the pounds, eh?" or "Getting tubby aren't you?"

  • Flabbalicious Belly - so true I want to be much bigger though

  • Porky belly! That is me. Flabby, jiggly, HUGE.

  • I got porky belly.My belly is kindof cute i guess. its nice and round

  • I got porky belly.My belly is kindof cute i guess. its nice and round

  • Yes, Porky Belly, so true! I have ate loads of junk food and now my belly has gotten so flabby and pillowy, I love it! I'm starting to get a whole load of rolls and some pretty big love handles. It reaches down to my thighs and gets in the way of me doing stuff, but I love it, I'm trying to eat more and not move from my bed at all so I can get sooo big! All my clothes are too tight now, I went to a restarant yesterday and I ate so much my pants button popped and my shirt ripped, and my belly got so big I couldn't get out because it had inflated and had gotten wedged around the table, they had to unscrew the table to get me out! People stare at me in the street, because my belly falls outta my shirt and it jiggles and wobbles when I do so much as breathe! I'm so fat, but I'm not nearly fat enough yet, I want to be absolutely huge!! Go fatties! ;)


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