What type of Bed Wars player are you?

Hello! Here is a quiz that will decide which type of Bed Wars player you are! Be honest for most accurate results! Please don't give me a bad rating if you aren't satisfied with who you got.

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Created by: Robbie
  1. What is the first thing you buy in a bed wars game?
  2. Where do you bridge first?
  3. What is your ideal bed defense?
  4. How would you spend 8 emeralds in doubles mode?
  5. Do you have a youtube channel?
  6. How long are your games?
  7. Can you speed bridge?
  8. Can you speed bridge?
  9. What is your rank?
  10. Let's put you in this situation: It is a Solo game, your bed is gone, and there are two other teams left, both with a bed. You have a moderate amount of gear. What would you do?

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Quiz topic: What type of Bed Wars player am I?
