what type of player are you in roblox neighborhood wars

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i make this quiz to know what type of player you are in the roblox game called neighborhood war and you can add freind me blindshotg_g or youc an follow me

here pro tip: use shield for defense bye share this with your friend rate this quiz 4 star or 5 star and play the game and be savage at the game like a pro

Created by: blindshotg_g
  1. what team your going to join?
  2. what weapon your going to use?
  3. what are you going to use
  4. what melee you gonna use
  5. what are you gonna do if there is sniper
  6. what are you going to do when a enemy player get downed
  7. what are you gonna do if your teammate is downed
  8. what are you going to do when there is shield guy
  9. what are you going to say when you are downed
  10. what will you do if a enemy throw a grenade on your teammates

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Quiz topic: What type of player am I in roblox neighborhood wars
