What type of Auth-Right are you

A authright is a Right-Winger who is also Authoritarian. This ranges from a Reactionary or an Alt-Right to a Neoliberal and a Neoconservative. The term authright comes from the Politcal Compass test

Which type of Authright are you? Are you a rambling Esoteric National Socialist or a Neoliberal preparing to attend the meeting of the World Economic Forum. Take this quiz to find out!

Created by: Sure_Bed
  1. I support foreign Interventions in other continents especially the Middle East and Eastern Europe.
  2. I support Autarky
  3. I support Monarchism
  4. I support a ethnostate or a racial state
  5. I support a
  6. We should pull out of International groups (Nato, UN, NAFTA, etc.
  7. I support (legally not morally) gay marriage
  8. I am a Nationalist
  9. We should strictly enforce traditional values on others
  10. We should have strict immigration laws
  11. We should have strict economic regulations

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Quiz topic: What type of Auth-Right am I