What type are you?

Have you ever wondered: "I wonder what kind of guy/girl other people would think I like?" Well wonder no more! This quick and painless quiz will tell you just that. Keep in mind, however, that this is a quiz, and who you come to love is your decision.

These questions will put you in everyday situations that will test how you would respond, and how that can effect the other person. Hope you enjoy, and share this quiz with some of your freinds.

Created by: Jason
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you saw a guy/girl who you thought was good-looking just talking with a friend at school/work, you would...
  2. A girl/guy starts talking to you and you like them. Do you....
  3. A girl you like and yourself get talking. You have to choose a subject. You choose...
  4. A Girl/Guy gives you their e-mail adress. Do you...
  5. You see a guy/girl playing an instrument and you think they are really good. Does that...
  6. Your at the movies with a guy/girl. You see a moment wheere you could make a move. do you....
  7. If their is a guy/girl who you like, what is your favourite thing about them?
  8. Do you think it is ok too..
  9. What type do you think you are anyway?
  10. You see the person you like playing in a rock band. Would you find most attractive if they played...

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Quiz topic: What type am I?