What team should a Mavericks fan root for?

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This quiz will help you determine which of the teams remaining in the NBA playoffs to root for. There aren't many left. Will you be paired with Oklahoma? San Antonio? Miami? Philly? Boston? Take the quiz and find out.

This quiz will ask you questions to determine which team your personality and values are most compatible with. Note: The team you wind up with should be followed during the 2012 postseason only. Once they leave the playoffs, all your affiliations with this team should be severed.

Created by: swish41
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who should have the most control over how an NBA team plays?
  2. Which of these players would you least mind winning a ring this season?
  3. Out of the choices below, which U.S. state is the best?
  4. Which coach is the coolest?
  5. Which team do you believe has the longest, richest history?
  6. Who would be the least annoying to sit next to on an airplane?
  7. Which team acts and dresses in the most professional manner during post game press conferences?
  8. Which is a tangible object?
  9. Who would you rather have teach life lessons to your child?
  10. Which guy looks the least like a used car salesman?

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