What Team Fortress 2 o.W.n Member are you?

This is just a small quiz because i am a fan of LoneWolfHBS and his TF2 Cult of Personality Series. i decided to make it hope who like it and sorry if i missed any characters or you didnt get the outcome you wanted

LoneWolfHBS and his Youtube Cult of Personality series Imspired this small quiz. if you didnt get the outcome you wanted, Sorry, along the fact of i misses characters so sorry for that also

Created by: Snipers and Medics
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are Under Attack! What do you do?
  2. You want to hang with your Friends. You go....
  3. You are a planning a invasion. the map you will invade is:
  4. You are planning a party. Who do you invite?
  5. You want to play on a Vs Saxton Hale server. You chose:
  6. You are bored and want to play TF2. So you get on a server and a pick a role. What area do you chose?
  7. Name the First hat you would get in TF2
  8. You are from...
  9. QUICK! what do you do when you see Grunt from Amnesia!
  10. THANKS FOR USING! Please let me know what you think at: MerylLillie(@)gmail(.)com -without the brackets- YOU A FAN OF TF2 OR NOT!

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Quiz topic: What Team Fortress 2 o.W.n Member am I?