what star u would most likly date

who do you think you would end up dating? that is famous take this quiz and you will find out!!!!!!!! pleeze take this quiz!!!!!!it's awesome if u think ur awesome than take tis quiz!!!

who will u date that is famous??? if u want 2 find out who can be mr.right than come take this quiz and who knows you might end up in a relationship with a starr!!!!***

Created by: haley
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. whay do u look for in a guy?
  2. team edward or team jacob?
  3. if u were a vegtable what would u be?
  4. what phone do u have?
  5. what do u like better?
  6. just pick 1
  7. favorite soda?
  8. who do u think is the hottest?
  9. favorite movie
  10. do u have a boyfriend?

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