What Spanking Are You About To Get?

Looks like someone's in trouble! You've been misbehaving, and it's time to pay the price, in the form of a hot, red, sore bottom. Take this quiz to get an idea of just what kind of punishment you're about to receive.

Spankings hurt! But if you answer the questions honestly and take your resulting spanking like a good boy or good girl, you might just end up feeling better. But if you fib, or don't follow through. . .well, you may find yourself back here and over the knee pretty soon.

Created by: Jubilee
  1. How old are you?
  2. What naughty thing have you done?
  3. Who will be punishing you?
  4. How long has it been since your last spanking?
  5. How angry is the person who is about to give you a red bottom?
  6. What bad behavior gets you in trouble the most?
  7. Do you feel sorry about what you did?
  8. What additional punishment do you deserve?
  9. How do you think you (and your bottom) will feel after your spanking?
  10. After this spanking, will you have learned your lesson?

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Quiz topic: What Spanking am I About To Get?

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