What Sofia the First character are you?

What Sofia the First character are you? Find out now with this fun quiz that will answer your question right now. Click on the quiz and you will be amazed!

What character do you think you will be? Are you ready to answer your question? Take the quiz right now to see... good luck try it now you will love it

Created by: sarah Pope
  1. What personality trait describes you?
  2. Whats a normal day for you?
  3. Describe what kind of house you live in-
  4. Do you like riding horses?
  5. Do you like school?
  6. Do you like the show Sofia the First
  7. What is your favorite color?
  8. Do you like to sing
  9. Do you like being outside?
  10. Do you like animals

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Quiz topic: What Sofia the First character am I?