What should you wear at night?

In this quiz you fill found out what I think you should wear at night depending if you’ll rather be comfortable or just cool. Anyway hope you enjoy…..

6 possible results depending on what you answered: 1: Fully clothed2: Pj’s3:Shorts but with a T-shirt4:Shorts only5:Underwear’s6:NakedHave fun.——————-

Created by: Nat
  1. First, how do you feel when your sleeping?
  2. Would you rather:
  3. How many blankets do you sleep with?
  4. What do your wear in your sleep usually?
  5. Do you open the window when you sleep?
  6. Do you sleep alone?
  7. Did you like this quiz? (Does not affect results)
  8. Since idk what to put next, the following question are gonna be random.
  9. Fav color?
  10. Do you play music

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Quiz topic: What should I wear at night?
