What Mattress is best for you?

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Do you ever have trouble sleeping? Is your mattress far too lumpy or does it keep you awake at night? We are here to help everyone to get the best night sleep by ensuring they have the perfect mattress for their type.

Not getting your recommended 8 hours sleep a day can greatly affect your working day, making it hard to concentrate or making your feeling continuously tired.

Created by: Heather
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many hours sleep do you get per night?
  2. What size bed do you have?
  3. When was the last time you changed your mattress?
  4. What colour theme is your bedroom?
  5. Do you have blinds/anything that can shut out the light completely?
  6. Do you often wake up with neck/back pains?
  7. Do you have a medical condition that means you need to keep yourself elevated while sleeping?
  8. Do you often spend your night tossing and turning?
  9. Your weight greatly affects the type of mattress you should have. How would you describe yourself?
  10. Do you think you have adequate bedding?

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