How Much Do You Know About TFP Ratchet?

TAKE THE TEST OR BE DESTROYED. HA. HA. HA. HA. HA. I'm an idiot. And tired. Is that normal? To be a tired idiot? I mean- Never mind. Just- Nevermind...

Take the damn quiz or get out. It's been a long night. France is so freakin' /loud/ at night! You try to sleep, and just- DAMN!!!! Ugh! STFU~ I'm soooo tired.

Created by: autobotmedic
  1. Before the war, Ratchet was friends with Megatronus. True or False?
  2. In 'Stronger, Faster', Ratchet's optics were _ when he took the Synthetic Energon.
  3. Ratchet is white and-
  4. Ratchet is a-
  5. Is Ratchet gay or strait?
  6. Ratchet is grumpy. True or False?
  7. Can Ratchet fight?
  8. How famous is Ratchet?
  9. Just guessing, how old is Ratchet?
  10. Who's Ratchet's #1 enemy?
  11. Comment or like?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About TFP Ratchet?