What's your style?

This quiz is a bit random so do your best. Try hard. Just try your hardest. It's the easiest test ever. It's easy to do. It's about fashion sense.

Are you a genius. Do you have the brainpower to do this? Of course you do because this quiz is very easy to do. Try your best. Please try to attemp every question.

Created by: Olivia
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Christmas party wear
  2. Meal wear
  3. What do you have?
  4. Favorite food
  5. What are you
  6. Do you have a crush?
  7. How often do you have your hair down?
  8. Do you like my quiz?
  9. I'm a Tom boy what are you?
  10. Have a good day

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Quiz topic: What's my style?