What's your pack ranking?

You are going to learn your rank in the pack if you are the stroungest, Weakest, a warrior, protector, or hunter. And what you need to work on to get stronger.

Feel free to use these emotions =_= ^^ ^m^ *-* =.= ◑◐ ◑◐ ◑__◐ rz (*_*) ∩∩ ∩__∩ ⊙△⊙ ≧◇≦ ⊙⊙ (=θωθ=) (¯(●●)¯) (^) *^_^* =^_^= ::>_<:: (○’ω’○) ↖(^ω^)↗ ~w_w~ ^(oo)^

Created by: Elaina
  1. What's your faverite color?
  2. If another pack was attacking your's what would you do?
  3. what would you do if you were able to chalenge the Alpha would you?
  4. If you saw an abanded pup in the woods what would you do?
  5. Are you a leader or follower?
  6. What color fur would you have?
  7. ( I know this will confuse alot of you but...) Yes or No
  8. "Running with the wolves..."
  9. How many siblings do you have?
  10. ( If you have any siblings) Are you the oldest or youngest.
  11. Do you want me to make more quizes?

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Quiz topic: What's my pack ranking?
