What's Your Emoji?

Hey there! I got bored so I decided to make this quiz. Disclaimer: it isn't very accurate, it was only made for fun! I hope you can enjoy it! OwO, UwU

Hey, just to be clear there is a limited amount of results and it wouldn't let me add any more. I hope you have fun taking this quiz! The filler shall commence... Wait, it's over the word requirement now. Never mind.

Created by: Calamities
  1. Are you cute or bossy?
  2. How would your friends describe you?
  3. Friends, or family?
  4. How do you act on a regular day?
  5. Minimum No. of Questions 4 Quiz = Pain :
  6. Pengu
  7. My question that I added got deleted (no effect, I just need more questions
  8. Rj4gm
  9. mor questions
  10. Eeek!

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Quiz topic: What's my Emoji?
