What Kind Of Internet User Are You?

What kind of internet user are you? What broadband suits you the best? What gadget is right for you?? Take this quiz so you'll know...

Are you the roamer? The tabby? The gadgeteer? Or the homebody? Find out...

Created by: Randjester of Facebook Profile Page
(your link here more info)
  1. I log in to the internet every...
  2. I access the internet at...
  3. I can't live without my...
  4. When I'm in the internet world, I...
  5. Internet helps me in my work...
  6. When getting internet connection, I consider...
  7. I am really planning to buy...
  8. Rate Smart Bro product/services (1 being the lowest, 4 being the highest)
  9. I access the internet to...
  10. I want to purchase and try...

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Quiz topic: What Kind Of Internet User am I?