What [recent] movie suits your life? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What [recent] movie suits your life?

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  • Your Result: Confessions of a Shopaholic

    You are happy go-lucky and carefree. Money? Who cares about it. All you care about are the latest trends and that cool new bag on sale. You can sometimes be materialistic.

    The golden Compass
    Yes Man
    Seven Pounds
    Slumdog Millionaire

  • What [recent] movie suits your life?
    Your Result: The golden Compass

    Imaginative and dreamy, you like to fabricate fantastical stories. You just like to relax and read a book. You can lie with conviction or you cannot lie at all. Stop daydreaming and GET ON WITH YOUR LIFE!

    so very true. and the movie is based on my favourite series lol. i was reading northern lights(golden compass) this morning. coincidental...


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