What Punishment do you need? FOR SELF-DISCIPLINE

Take this quiz for the good look into how well do you respect yourself and your time. Taking this seriously would help in self-development and being accountable to your self.

The quiz gives out 5 results on the basis of your own answers and then suggests a helpful regime of self-discipline to act as a deterrent from negative behaviour which hurts you in the long run. This can be done privately or with an authoritative figure. I made this quiz mostly for myself to help with my procrastination.

Created by: Savvy
  1. Did you do your previous punishment honestly?
  2. Are you on track with your work?
  3. Are you at a good place with your loved ones and friends?
  4. Have you been nice to mother nature?
  5. Long long do you usually sleep?
  6. Have you been honest this week?
  7. Do you categorize yourself as lazy?
  8. Did you mess up in any way that mattered to you this week?
  9. Have you taken care of your health in terms of food, exercise and adequate sleep?
  10. What are you here for most importantly?

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Quiz topic: What Punishment do I need? FOR SELF-DISCIPLINE

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