If you were a horse, what discipline would you do?

This is a quiz I created for fun, so it's not too well done, but you might enjoy taking it. Sorry for the typos and bad grammar! Who knows, maybe you'll find something out about yourself!

This is mostly for Ponybox.com, but anyone is free to do it. Ponyboxers, please comment on my forum post about it and post yours results! I'm actually going to take it. Wish me luck!

Created by: Twi@Ponybox
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Yay! You have just been turned out in the pasture, What do you do?
  2. Someone is riding you, but oh-no, there's something itchy underneath the pad/blanket! You...
  3. Your rider has just fallen off because she was terrified of this bee! You...
  4. Your rider has just pointed you towards a high jump. You...
  5. You are in the trailer, going who-knows-where, your haynet has next no nothing in it and you just missed feeding time. You...
  6. Feeding time! You...
  7. Your girth is being tightened! You...
  8. A little boy starts yelling waving a stick while you're being led. You...
  9. You are being groomed. You...
  10. It's a holiday and tons of people are hanging out at the barn for a grill-out. You...

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