What political ideology do you most adhere to?

In a world drenched in politics, it can become confusing if not downright difficult to figure out which ideology is closest to the one that you adhere to.

While you may not have a label for your political ideology, you are bound to be closer than some than others. Let's see which is closest to your own ideals.

Created by: The Momo

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your stance on abortion?
  2. When should a citizen be allowed to purchase and consume alcohol?
  3. Should people be allowed to smoke tobacco in public?
  4. Should marijuana be legal in for recreational use?
  5. Should harder drugs be decriminalized?
  6. Should prostitution be legal?
  7. Should adultery be illegal?
  8. What is your stance on public education?
  9. What is your stance on healthcare?
  10. How large of a military should your country have?
  11. Should your nation be engaged in the global war on terrorism?
  12. Should your country be a part of multi-national organizations?
  13. How should your form of government be led?
  14. In general, do you believe that there should be a death penalty?
  15. What is the biggest threat to your nation's security?
  16. What is your stance on taxation?
  17. How should 'whistle blowers' who expose state secrets to the public be treated?
  18. What is your stance on citizens owning guns?
  19. How should freedom of speech be handled?
  20. How should freedom of religion be handled?
  21. What should the relation between church and state be?
  22. How should ethnic minorities be treated by the state?
  23. What should be the rights of women?
  24. What should be the rights of homosexuals?
  25. Should immigration be regulated?
  26. What should be the policy of multiple cultures within the country?
  27. How much government intervention should there be in the economy?
  28. Finally, what of environmental regulations?

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Quiz topic: What political ideology do I most adhere to?