What pokemon are you

You are really smart dude and you should be the president. Maybe you shouldn't I don't know if you are or not I am not smart my self but. I don't know.

Are you smart no of course not envy one who took this test is completely dumb so you are a idiot ha ha in your face bi*** ha. So has anyone seen game of thrones lately?

Created by: Tanner
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like shiny things
  2. What type do you like best
  3. What is my name No effects
  4. Do you like dragon types
  5. Do you like legendaries
  6. Which pokemon would you rather prefer
  7. You like trading pokemon
  8. Was pikachu supposed to be ashes first pokemon
  9. What is the best pokemon job
  10. Biggest question! Is Magikarp a strong pokemon

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Quiz topic: What pokemon am I