What pet are you?

There are many animals in the world,are you one of these animals,we have the best ones,so you have got to try this nice quiz,have a whole lot of fun!!

Are you really one of these animals,we'll,now you can find out which one you are,answer your really best,if you get the last one,I really hope it is good.

Created by: Sofia of Pet wet.com
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your fav animal?
  2. Many pets?
  3. Color?
  4. Are pets cool?
  5. Are you in a good mood?
  6. Your first names first letter
  7. Fav book
  8. Fav place
  9. Eye color
  10. Last of your answers

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Quiz topic: What pet am I?