What personality have you got and whould a person with a brain go

Some one who is the perfect dream date has a bit of everything. What is a bit of everything? Well you are funny, cute, easy to be with. Grr why must every thing be 150 letters. hum what to write what to write.

are YOU the perfect date? Do you have a bit of everything? Take my quiz and find out. Grr why must every thing be 150 letters. hum what to write what to write.

Created by: katie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many friends do you have?
  2. Are you mean to other people
  3. Do u do well in school
  4. r u bored
  5. my fish are called
  6. ga
  7. 2 more left yippeeeee I think i will be...
  8. last question Whats ya fav animal
  9. opps mis read 2 more left Ur fav colour is
  10. now it is the last question Im bored

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