what one diretion charater are you?

This quiz is stupidly fun I thought I did good plz comment nice things and one request on comments NU SWEARIN GOT IT NONE thank you all well hope you enjoyed my quiz bai

Are you Zayn Malik Louis Tomlinson Liam Payne Harry Styles or Niall Horan? I did the deciding and now you will know!!! Hope you will enjoy my quiz!!!!!

Created by: rio
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your fave food?
  2. Do you like pigeons/birds?
  3. Have you touched a koala?
  4. Do you like tank tops?
  5. KEVEN!!!
  6. All most done
  7. 4 more 2 go!
  8. NANDOS!!!!!!
  9. 2 more
  10. Ba-bye!!

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Quiz topic: What one diretion charater am I?