What one direction hottie are you

This quiz you will find out what me direction teenager you are closest to and if you were who you thought yqou were now who are you Harry,Niall, Liam, Louis or Zayn.

Now you will finally know who your are. Just wait a few more seconds and your dreams will come true, you could be snyone of hem depends how creative or lazy or however we will find you your perfect teen.

Created by: Sophie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your worst enemy just tld you there biggest secret what would you do?
  2. You to. Pick the next holiday where would it be?
  3. You got the chance to take a day off school what would you do?
  4. You got a $50 voucher where would you spend it?
  5. Do you like camping?
  6. What would you rather?
  7. Are you smart
  8. Last day of school who would sign your shirt
  9. Do you get frustrated at school
  10. Did you have fun

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Quiz topic: What one direction hottie am I