What Musical Artist (Band) Are You?

So, you want to know what band your most like? This quiz will give you five possible outcomes. Some are similar, some are WAY different. Some fit into common sterotypes, others defy them.

Do YOU fit into the sterotypes? Will this quiz anger you because you are not what you think you are? This quiz might actually show you something.Find out, and posers beware.

Created by: Nicole Pishette
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Where do you get most of your cloths?
  2. What do you do in your spare time?
  3. What are your viewes on life?
  4. How many times have you had your heart broken?
  5. How may hearts have YOU broken?
  6. What is your sexual orientation?
  7. Are you single?
  8. What type of music do you listen to the MOST?
  9. What's your favorite color?
  10. What's your favorite band out of these?

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Quiz topic: What Musical Artist (Band) am I?