What musician are you most like?

This is a cool little quiz that can tell you what kind of musical artist you might be if you ever become or are a musical artist. This is just some random numbers and words so just disregard all of it. After all after all after all after all after all after all after all after all after all.

Just a hint theres a metal guitarist, a couple of rock stars, and a girly girl. Just so I can put this quiz on my page I have to put some random numbers in so just disregard all of it. After all after all after all after all after all after all.

Created by: Dylan London

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
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  1. What is your favorite color?
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  3. Which is your favorite car?
  4. Which is your ideal kind of date?
  5. What are your favorite clothes to wear?
  6. Which is your favorite clothes store?
  7. What's your favorite movie?
  8. Which is your favorite T.V. Show?
  9. Which is your favorite hobbie?
  10. On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What musician am I most like? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Music Quiz category.