What motivates you

There are many tasks and things that we are reluctant to doing. However why some people can easily force themselves to do one thing while others feel like they are making the sacrifice of their life. That test is made to determine what is your main source of motivation. Basically, to underline what feelings motivate you the most.

Go ahead and take that test in order to find out what motivates you and try to use that knowledge to help you get through you toughest obstacles. Remember it is all in the way you motivate yourself.

Created by: Airine
  1. It is 2am and your partying neighbors won't bring the noise down. You knocked on the wall a couple of times but they never seemed to hear you. You...
  2. You finally got the best date ever and you and your date are getting comfortable at your house. When suddenly your friend calls. Apparently your friend is locked out from the apartment and has no place to go. You...
  3. You had a very rough night and don't feel well enough to go to work. You know that today is a very busy day but you feel so tired. So you...
  4. You have gained over a hundred pounds and really think it is time for you to drop that weight. So you...
  5. You just got your driving license and on the first day of driving hit a parked car. You ...
  6. You come back home from a very long drive, from a business meeting. You are very tired and can't wait to get to bed. But you find out that you left your keys at the office. You...
  7. It is your birthday and your friend has brought you a very useless but expensive gift. You do not like the gift at all, and know that if you return it you will just have enough money to buy what you always wanted. You...
  8. You bought very expensive tickets to a concert you always wanted to go to. You have invited your friend to come with you and you both would hate to miss it. Unfortunately, your friend is sick on the date of the concert. You...
  9. Would you cheat on your partner, if you have been together over a year, but you aren't sure if you will last, and there is a hottie that you have your eyes on that seems to like you as well. You...
  10. With what person would you rather be with the most?
  11. What is the hardest to forgive?
  12. Which act do you find the nicest?
  13. What seems like the best worth your time activity?
  14. What seems like the best worth your time activity?

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