what mistical creater are you?

You must like fiction books and things like that other wise you wouldn't. BE taking this. Now you could be taking this for fun so good for you. So take this quiz!

I personly love mistical creaters of the unreal worlds of movies and books. And have allwas wanted to be one or was creose on Wich I would be. And now even thought I still don't know you can!

Created by: savannah

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you like to eat
  2. How whould your friends bescrieb you?
  3. What time of day do you like?
  4. What sound more apiling
  5. What do you like
  6. Ummm. Hi
  7. So hows it going?
  8. Do you like peopel?
  9. Ok so you like pie?
  10. Last queation

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Quiz topic: What mistical creater am I?