What marvel heroe are you?

I came to this web looking for a way to compare myself to a heroe. This is the only questionare that compares you to a heroe with a close review of your personality gender and age.

Give it a go and if you aren't impressed or it isn't what you where looking for the just find a way to contact me such as leaving a comment on this web for "Jasmine " There will be more quizzes to come Have any ideas? Well tell me about them by ass I have said leaving a comment to Jasmine

Created by: Jasmine
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your favourite colour
  2. Why are you a hero
  3. Describe your self in 1 word
  4. What do you look like?
  5. WhI would you be when you need a secret identity?
  6. Who would you fall in love with?
  7. How clever are you?
  8. What is the best combination?
  9. What is your weapon of choice?
  10. Who are you?

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Quiz topic: What marvel heroe am I?