What Makes You Beautiful

sdgsag other people. That's extremely attractive, to friends and potential boyfriends alike. People consider themselves lucky to be your friend, and you're always willing to lend an ear when a pal needs to unburden herself. But all this kindness doesn't mean you're a pushover. You've got the confidence to stand up for what you believe in, especially yourself. You want to make a difference in the world, and you're not afraid of doing a little hard work along the way. That's really beautiful!

asdg other people. That's extremely attractive, to friends and potential boyfriends alike. People consider themselves lucky to be your friend, and you're always willing to lend an ear when a pal needs to unburden herself. But all this kindness doesn't mean you're a pushover. You've got the confidence to stand up for what you believe in, especially yourself. You want to make a difference in the world, and you're not afraid of doing a little hard work along the way. That's really beautiful!

Created by: French_ice
  1. When buying beauty products, you usually choose:
  2. sfdhsb
  3. sgh
  4. sdfyh
  5. adfh
  6. dsfh
  7. sgh
  8. dag
  9. asdg
  10. adg

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